MetaClean for Thunderbird
MetaClean for Thunderbird automatically removes, adds, or modifies metadata in email attachments, preventing the leak of confidential information that occurs continuously in this type of communication and avoiding possible economic and reputational damages derived from the malicious use of metadata.
Why I should use MetaClean for Thunderbird?
- Data Breach Prevention: Every document contains metadata. For example, metadata is embedded in the file and is different to the information that is typed on the page – such as Author, track changes or comments. It can tell the reader who created the document, how long was spent editing it, and where the document is saved. Cleaning a document of metadata means that the recipient will only be sent what would be printed. Removing potentially harmful forms of metadata from the attached files is a risk area that should be considered when investigating ways to prevent email-related data leaks.
- Phishing Attack Prevention: MetaClean prevents the exfiltration of information through metadata which is commonly used to generate phishing attacks.
- Ease of use and there is no user registration required: Just install and enjoy it!
MetaClean for Thunderbird is Fully integrated with Thunderbird.
No need to fill out a form or register a user.
- Removes metadata from all versions of Microsoft Office, Open/Libre Office, PDF, RTF and Image, Audio and Video files. View all formats
- Supports ZIP and 7z files: compressed documents will be processed by MetaClean.
- Delete hidden data such as: Printer routes, history of document changes, etc.
- Detection of signed PDF files: To avoid invalidation of the signature, a warning will be displayed indicating whether you want to process the metadata of the signed PDF file.
- For free version, the keywordstag “Metadata removed by MetaClean (www.adarsus.com)” will be added to the processed documents. To remove this metadata it is required a license, please contact us: sales@adarsus.com.
- Creation of metadata templates to remove, add or modify standard or customized metadata tags.
- Creation of white lists by domains or email addresses. The documents in email attachments sent to one member of the white lists will not be processed by MetaClean. MetaClean no procesará los documentos en archivos adjuntos de correo electrónico enviados a un miembro de las listas blancas.
- Implements some Data Loss Prevention (DLP) functionality, preventing an attachment from being sent if a specific metadata tag is found in a document. Se impedirá que se envíe un archivo adjunto si se encuentra una determinada etiqueta de metadatos en el documento.
- Dashboard (management web console) to centralize metadata management:
- Create metadata templates.
- Obtain statistics of the metadata that is removed or modified in the documents processed by MetaClean.
- Graphical representation of processed metadata.